
学历:本科 | 工作年限:三年以上 | 年龄:不限
最后刷新:2024/05/10 09:10:37



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税务经理,企业税咨询,金融业 职位描述
Job description

KPMG China provides multidisciplinary services from audit and tax to advisory, with a strong focus on serving our clients’ needs and their industries. Not only do we have an overriding commitment to provide the highest quality services for our clients, but we also strive to become a responsible corporate citizen that has a positive impact on our environment and community. At KPMG, you’ll translate insights into action and reveal opportunities for all—our teams, our clients and our world.

Key Responsibilities
· You will use your proven technical ability to deliver quality services and impress clients
· Develop and implement innovative ways to meet client needs - use research into client businesses (the issues they face, the state of markets, key developments) to initiate new service and product offerings to clients
· Use solid technical skills and good industry knowledge to resolve complicated issues and add value to clients
· Keep abreast of new technical developments and solutions, and confidently deliver and present these applications to both clients and partners
· You will be responsible for managing a group of people
· Delegate work to members of multiple teams, ensuring follow up strategies are in place

Experience & Background
· University graduates with a minimum of 5 years’ experience
· With CPA, TA, law license or other qualification relevant
· No less than 5-years’ experience in a professional firm or tax bureau or tax division of a financial institution
· A proven history of managing and developing others, wining clients’ trust with excellent technical skills and acting autonomously
· Proven project management skills and strong presentation skills
· Proven ability to develop and manage people effectively through leadership, appropriate delegation, coaching and mentoring of staff

About KPMG

At KPMG China, we are committed to being an equal opportunity employer, with zero tolerance for any form of discrimination against any persons. It is important for us to create an inclusive, diverse and agile workplace for our people to develop and thrive at both a personal and professional level.

We strive to make ESG (environmental, social and governance) a watermark running through our organisation; from empowering our people to become agents of positive change, to providing better solutions and services to our clients. To lead by example, we launched Our Impact Plan (OIP) which includes our ESG commitments and progress across four key pillars – Planet, People, Prosperity and Governance.

We encourage you to come as you are, and we welcome all qualified candidates to apply, and hope you unlock opportunities with us. Visit KPMG China website for more company information.

Please note that all information in this form has been voluntarily supplied and will be used by KPMG for selection purposed only.
  • Hi,我是51金融圈AI算法机器人小5 ~ 经过4年的培训与学习,我已经成功学会了筛选简历,同时也能计算简历与职位的匹配度,要不要试试看呢 ~

毕马威 公司介绍
毕马威华振会计师事务所于1992年8月18日在北京成立,于2012年7月5日获财政部批准转制为特殊普通合伙的合伙制企业,更名为毕马威华振会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙),2012年7月10日取得工商营业执照,并于2012年8月1日正式运营。毕马威华振总所位于北京,注册地址为北京市东城区东长安街1号东方广场东2座办公楼8层。2021年12月31日,毕马威华振有合伙人199人,注册会计师977人,其中签署过证券服务业务审计报告的注册会计师超过210人。毕马威华振2021年经审计的业务收入总额超过人民币40亿元,其中审计业务收入超过人民币38亿元(包括境内法定证券业务收入超过人民币8亿元,其他证券业务收入超过人民币11亿元,证券业务收入共计超过人民币19亿元)。毕马威华振2021年上市公司年报审计客户家数为72家,上市公司财务报表审计收费总额为人民币4.55亿元。主要行业涉及制造业,金融业,电力、热力、燃气及水的生产和供应业,批发和零售业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,采矿业,房地产业,租赁和商务服务业,科学研究和技术服务业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,卫生和社会工作业,建筑业,以及文化、体育和娱乐业。 查看全部
毕马威 工作地点





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